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Zulu Desktop and Softphone Integration

The Ultimate Collaboration & Productivity Tool 

Zulu UC unifies the most popular business communication tools & applications enhancing user productivity and mobility, for FreePBX and PBXact phone systems. It is about putting the user at the center of their workstation with tools built around their need, and so intuitively designed. Simply put, the user will always have the tool they need always available and exactly where they need it to be at the time they need it. Welcome to your new command center for business communication

Zulu UC is great for:

  • Office workers who switch between locations or step away from their desk

  • Call centers who don’t have desk phones and need to make/receive calls using their headset

  • All other users who need to stay connected to their office and continue working wherever they are

  • Mobile workers who need their extension to follow them

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